• We Are A Master Agent

    Telecom, Networking, & IT

    We have over 150 suppliers available to help solve your Telecommunication, Networking, or IT problem. You can see a sample of our suppliers scrolling below.

  • We are Problem Focused

    Not sale focused

    We are here to have a conversation with our customer. We want to know what issues you may having so we maybe able to help craft a solution. Since we are a Master Agent, we will have buying power and options to implement your solution to get the best pricing for you. We likely can save you additional expense by helping to integrate a solution with several suppliers.

  • Multiple Quotes

    Multiple Suppliers

    We provide the best quotes to solve your business need. Due to us being a Master Agent, you will get multiple quotes that we feel will accomplish your business objectives. We stive to solve problems, not SELL certain suppliers. Our multisupplier relationship and volumes give us pricing leverage to benefit our customers.

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Recent blog posts

VOIP Service
Replace your phone system! VOIP: Voice Over IP service, create your own VOIP system.
VPN Service
Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to send data privately over the public network.
...Learn more...
DSx Line
dedicated DS (Digital Service) is similar to a Tx service, a DS1 is similar to a T1 line.
T1 Line
A basic business circuit. Can be used for Data or Voice depending upon the service provider.